Guest Who

Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Tangkuban Perahu we're in Love

Yeaayyyy yesterday is sooo fuuuunn for us!I can't said it to word from word because I'm so excited to upload this photo and spechless,lets see how happy I am yesterday .

Photo Session :
1.We’re in School waiting for the other.
2.Me & Ijal on the way to Tangkuban Parahu.
3.Jessia & I take some picture here.
4,5,6,7.Yeaaaayyy we’re arrived and don’t forget to take some pict!
8.And last but not least ,this is Kawah in Tangkuban Perahu

Ini belum semua foto yg di upload masih banyaaaakkk bgt yg seru!ha be continued

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